Sunday 19th of May 2024 03:39:13 PM

fee structure

We adopt an extremely flexible approach to the question of fees, as we are very aware of the increasing pressure brought upon our suppliers by the demands of high overheads and the need to maintain a reasonable profit margin.

We will be more than happy to discuss terms that will most benefit your practice. Our policy of never sacrificing quality over cost, does not prevent us from being able to offer a competitive fee arrangement, that stands up well in the current marketplace.

The majority of our work will be based around fixed fees, however, matters of complexity or that are otherwise time consuming, may be charged on an hourly basis, subject to your prior agreement.

To minimise any potential problems upon costs negotiation or detailed assessment, we will always fully document time spent on such matters. Generous discounts for early settlement on any case, regardless of complexity, are available.

Following the implementation of the MOJ’s proposals, we will still be able to offer a competitive service, even on those matters that fall within the scheme. We can accommodate any reasonable request, either for statements or a straight-forward risk assessment, be it at stage 1, 2 or 3.

Please telephone or e-mail us for further details in this respect.